Metaphor Refantazio Synthesis system combinations and abilities
The Metaphor Refantazio Synthesis system let’s you team up attacks by having specific pairings of the game’s various lineages taking part in combat. With Synthesis you will be able to pull off special and more advanced versions of skills at the expense of using additional Turn Icons (Metaphor’s action economy) and resources (MP, HP, or money) from all participating allies
There are a couple of main components that dictate what Synthesis skills are available to you at any given time – the skills a character has unlocked on their Metaphor Refantzio Archetypes and the other Lineages (not specific Archetypes, but the general family) that are in your current active party.
This guide will list out all the Synthesis skills and the requirements to pull them off so that you can go into those tough fights in Metaphor ready with some extra firepower should you need it!
Metaphor Refantazio Seeker Synthesis abilities
Attack: Rider of the Blade (Seeker)/ Heavy Physical Light damage to a single enemy
Cost: 5 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Horse-Drawn Carnage / Heavy Strike damage to a single enemy
Cost: 5 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Gacyc (Seeker) / Weak Wind damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Cyc
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Matarukaja / Increases all allies’ Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Tarukaja
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Adventurer’s Curiosity / Increases Critical Rate for all allies for 3 turns
Cost: 8 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Gacyclo (Magic Seeker) / Medium Wind damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Cyclo
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Tetrabreak / Negates one enemy’s Repel Physical skill
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Fire Blade Rider (Magic Seeker) / Extreme Physical Fire damage to a single enemy
Cost: 24 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Heat Riser (Magic Seeker) / Increase Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for a single ally for 3 turns
Cost: 24 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, Commander lineages
Attack: Soulblade Rider (Soul Hacker) / Severe Physical Almighty damage to a single enemy and absorbs MP
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Winning Horse (Soul Hacker) / Severe Strike damage to a single enemy
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Cyclone Slasher (Soul Hacker) / Severe Wind damage to a single enemy
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Seeker, Mage or Healer lineages
Ally 2: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Trial of the Seeker (Soul Hacker) / Extreme Almighty damage to all enemies and recovers MP for each hit
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Warrior Synthesis abilities
Attack: Round Slash (Warrior) / Weak Slash damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Bamboo Splitter / Heavy Slash damage to a single enemy, adds a Turn Icon when it kills an enemy
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Peerless Stonecleaver / Severe Slash damage to a single enemy, adds a Turn Icon when it kills an enemy
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineage
Ally 2: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineage
Attack: Vorpal Blade (Swordmaster) / Extreme Slash damage to all enemies and decreases targets’ Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Phantom Swordswarm (Swordsmaster, Royal Warrior) / Medium Slash damage to a single enemy 4-6 times, adds a Turn Icon if it kills the enemy
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Crimson Moon Sword Art (Samurai, Royal Warrior) / Severe Slash damage to all enemies and may inflict Charm
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker
Attack: Wind Blade (Samurai) / Extreme Physical Wind damage to all enemies
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Knight Synthesis abilities
Attack: Jump Thrust (Knight) / Medium Pierce damage to a single enemy and lowers the target’s Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Protect Guard (Knight, Magic Knight) / Nullifies one Slash/Pierce/Strike attack on one ally
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Magic Guard (Knight, Magic Knight, Paladin) / Nullifies one elemental attack for all allies in the caster’s row
Cost: 28 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Hammer of Justice / Heavy Pierce damage to one enemy that inflicts a one-time weakness to pierce
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Marakukaja / Increases all allies’ Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Rakukaja
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Leap Thrust / Heavy Pierce damage to a single enemy and lowers the target’s Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker
Attack: Magic Knight’s Hammer (Magic Knight, Paladin) / Extreme Physical Electric damage to a single enemy and inflicts a one-time weakness to Electric
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berseker lineages
Attack: Flying Guard Thrust (Dark Knight, Paladin) / Extreme Pierce Damage to a single enemy and lowers the target’s Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Blackguard’s Hammer (Dark Knight) / Severe Physical Dark damage to a single enemy and inflicts a one-time weakness to Dark
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Peerless Shadow (Dark Knight, Royal Knight) / Severe Physical Dark damage to all enemies and decreases targets’ Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 25 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineage
Ally 2: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineage
Attack: Crusader’s Hammer (Paladin) / Severe Physical Light damage to a single enemy and inflicts a one-time weakness to Light
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineage
Attack: Hammer of Justice (Paladin) / Heavy Pierce damage to a single enemy and inflicts a one-time weakness to pierce
Cost: 18
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant or Summoner lineages
Attack: Line Guard (Paladin) / Nullifies one physical attack for all allies in the caster’s row
Cost: 28 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Ultimate Guard (Royal Knight) / Nullifies on non-Almighty attack for all allies
Cost: 100 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Peerless Sanctity (Royal Knight) / Severe Physical Light damage to all enemies and decreases the targets’ Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 25 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Thief Synthesis abilities
Attack: Mamudo (Thief) / Weak Dark damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Mudo
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer
Attack: Phantom Tracer / Extreme Slash damage to one enemy and removes the target’s buffs
Cost: 12 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineages
Attack: Mamudoon (Thief)/ Medium Dark damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Mudoon
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Godkiller (Assassin, Ninja, Royal Thief) / Extreme Physical Dark damage to one enemy with a high chance of one-hit killing the target
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Fire Are (Ninja) / Extreme Fire damage to a single enemy and may inflict Burn
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Ice Art (Ninja) / Extreme Ice damage to a single enemy and may inflict Frostbite
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Bloodrain Twin Ninpo (Ninja, Royal Thief) / Severe Slash damage to a single enemy and removes status, Repel, and buffs on the target
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Masked Dancer Synthesis abilities
Attack: Hellfire Dance / Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Fire, ignoring resistances
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Ice-Blue Dance / Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Ice, ignoring resistances
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, Healer
Attack: Sable Dance / Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Dark, ignoring resistances
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineagess
Attack: Danse Macabre / High chance of one-hit killing all enemies
Cost: 12 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Masquerade Charge (Persona Master, Royal Masked Dancer) / Greatly increases the party’s physical attack damage once per battle
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Metaphor Fantazio Summoner Synthesis abilities
Attack: Summon Lizardman (Summoner) / Extreme Physical Electric damage to a single enemy and lowers the target’s Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Summon Undead King (Summoner)/ Severe Dark damage to a single enemy that may one-hit kill the target
Cost: 25 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Gravelord Vessel
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Summon Eagle Lion King (Summoner) / Extreme Wind damage to all enemies that significantly reduces the targets’ Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Summon Dragon God (Summoner)/ Severe Fire damage to all enemies and removes the targets’ buffs
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Priestess Heart
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Summon Guptauros King (Summoner) / Medium Strike damage to all enemies 1-3 times
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Minotaur Vessel
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Summon Kishin (Devil Summoner) / Medium Electric damage to a single enemy 2-4 times
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Summon Deity (Devil Summoner) / Extreme Light damage to all enemies and may inflict Daze
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Conch Shell Vessel
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Summon Fury (Devil Summoner, Royal Summoner) / Extreme Strike damage to all enemies and decreases targets’ Attack/Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Trident Vessel
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Summon Tyrant (Devil Summoner, Royal Summoner) / Severe Almighty damage to all enemies and my inflict Hex
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Item: Buzzing Fly Vessel
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant
Attack: Summon Icecrag (Devil Summoner) / Extreme Ice damage to all enemies
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Berserker Synthesis abilities
Attack: Rampage Slash (Berserker, Royal Berserker) / Extreme Slash damage to a single enemy that ignores defense
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Wild Bore / Extreme Pierce damage to a single enemy and significantly decreases the target’s Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Wanton Destruction / Extreme Strike damage to a single enemy, inflicting a one-time weakness to Strike
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required b: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Battlecry Tackle / Heavy Strike damage to all enemies 1-3 times, ignoring resistances
Cost: 28 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: n/a
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Deadly Eraser (Destroyer, Royal Berserker) / Severe Physical Almighty damage to a single enemy, removing the target’s status, Repel, and buffs
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Mage Synthesis abilities
Attack: Gabot (Mage) / Weak Fire damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Bot
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Botra (Mage) Medium Fire damage to a single enemy
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Bot
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Gablizz (Mage) / Weak Ice damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Blizz
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Blizza (Mage) / Medium Ice damage to a single enemy
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Blizz
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Gakande (Mage) / Weak Electric damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Kande
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Kandera (Mage) / Medium Electric Damage to a single enemy
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Kande
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Metaphor (Mage, Elemental Master)/ Severe Fire damage to a single enemy
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1:Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Ally 2: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Gabotra (Wizard) / Medium Fire damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Botra
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Boatona (Wizard) Heavy Fire damage to a single enemy
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Botra
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Gablizza (Wizard) / Medium Ice damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Blizza
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Blizzaton (Wizard) / Heavy Ice damage to a single enemy
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Blizza
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Gakandera (Wizard) / Medium Electric damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Kandera
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Kandeon (Wizard) / Heavy Electric Damage to a single enemy
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Kandera
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Skyfall Bolt (Wizard, Elemental Master) / Severe Electric damage to a single enemy
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Mage, Masked Dancer or Summoenr lineages
Ally 2: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Makarabreak (Wizard, Elemental Master) / Negates one enemy’s Repel Magic skill
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Gabouat (Elemental Master) / Heavy Fire damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Boatona
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Gablizzaton (Elemental Master) / Heavy Ice damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Blizzaton
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Gakandeon (Elemental Master) / Heavy Electric damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Kandeon
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Precipice of the Abyss (Elemental Master) / Severe Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: 35 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Ally 2: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Mamudodyne (Warlock) / Heavy Dark damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Mudodyne
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Netherworld Tree (Warlock) / Extreme Dark damage to all enemies
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Lost Wall (Warlock) / Inflicts a single enemy with a one-time weakness to Fire/Ice/Electric/Wind/Light/Dark and ignores resistances
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Child of Death (Warlock) / Extreme Dark damage to a single enemy
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Brawler Synthesis abilities
Attack: Meteoric Fist (Brawler) / Weak Strike damage to all enemies 1-3 times
Cost: 185 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Energy Ray (Brawler) / Heavy Physical Light damage to a single enemy with power proportional to caster’s remaining HP
Cost: 140 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Tiger Eruption Fist (Pugilist) / Weak Strike damage to all enemies 2-4 times
Cost: 220 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker
Attack: Super Energy Ray (Pugilist) / Extreme Physical Light damage to a single enemy with power proportional to the caster’s remaining HP
Cost: 175 HP
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Boltburst Fist (Martial Artist) / Medium Physical Electric damage to all enemies 2-4 times
Cost: 255 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Ultimate Energy Ray (Martial Artist) / Severe Physical Light damage to a single enemy with power proportional to the caster’s remaining hp
Cost: 210 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Bodhisattva’s Palm (Martial Artist) / Severe Strike damage to a single enemy with power proportional to the caster’s remaining hp and inflicts a one-time weakness to Strike
Cost: 245 hp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Healer Synthesis abilities
Attack: Mahama (Healer) / Weak Light damage to all enemies
Cost: 6 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Hama
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Medica (Healer) / Medium HP recovery for all allies
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Medi
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Magical Injection / Nullifies one attack for all allies that would inflict a status ailment
Cost: 12 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Medicall (Cleric) / Heavy HP recovery for all allies
Cost: 40 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Medica
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Mahamaon (Clerica) / Medium Light damage to all enemies
Cost: 10 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Hamaon
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Godly Blessing (Cleric, Saviour) / Revives all knocked out allies with full HP
Cost: 18 MP
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Mahamadyne (Saviour) / Heavy Light damage to all enemies
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Hamadyne
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Divine Punishments (Saviour) / Extreme Light damage to all enemies and inflicts a one-time weakness to Light on targets
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Gunner Synthesis abilities
Attack: Wild Barrage (Gunner) / Medium Pierce damage to all enemies 2-3 times (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Kasukukaja (Gunner) / Increases all allies’ Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Mania Bullet / Heavy Pierce damage to a single enemy that inflicts a one-time weakness to Slash/Pierce/Strike (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Myriad Shots (Sniper) / Medium Pierce damage to all enemies 3-5 times (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Bullet Barrage (Sniper, Dragoon) / Severe Pierce damage to a single enemy, ignoring resistances (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 22 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Dragoroa (Dragoon) / Extreme Fire damage to a single enemy and may inflict Burn (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Coldragora (Dragoon) / Extreme Ice damage to a single enemy and may inflict Frostbite (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Draco Ray (Dragoon) / Severe Light damage to a single enemy, ignoring resistances (BACK ROW ONLY)
Cost: 28 MP
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, Summoner
Attack: Thunder Fang (Dragoon) / Extreme Electric damage to all enemies
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Faker Synthesis abilities
Attack: Mataruna (Faker)/ Decreases all enemies’ Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Tarunda
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Marakunda (Faker)/ Decreases all enemies’ Defense for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Rakunda
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Masukunda (Faker) / Decreases all enemies’ Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Sukunda
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Debiliate / Decreases a single enemy’s Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 24 mp
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Ally 2: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Free Juggling / Weak Physical Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: N/A
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Miracle Cirque (Trickster) / Extreme Physical Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: N/A
Turn Icons: 3
Required Skill: N/A
Ally 1: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Ally 2: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Commander Synthesis abilities
Attack: Blusterblast Maneuver / Extreme Fire damage to all enemies in addition to decreasing the targets’ Hit/Evasion for 3 turns
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Assault Beacon (Commander) / Increase the Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for all allies for 3 turns
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Megido (Commander) / Medium Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: 15 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner
Attack: Icewolf Offensive (Genera, Warlordl) / Extreme I damage to a single enemy
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Healing Shelter Formation (General, Warlord) / All allies recover 10% of their HP each turn for 3 turns
Cost: 8 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Knight, Healer, or Commander lineages
Attack: Megidola (General, Warlord) / Heavy Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Dynast Formation (Warlord) / Increases Attack/Defense/Hit/Evasion for all allies by 3 ranks for 3 turns
Cost: 70 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/a
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Megidolaon (Warlord) / Extreme Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: 25 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: Megidola
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Eureka Moment (Warlord) / Extreme Fire damage to all enemies, ignoring resistances, and may inflict Burn
Cost: 20 m p
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Darker, or Merchant lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Merchant Synthesis abilities
Attack: All Reset / Removes nearly all beneficial effects from all enemies
Cost: 36 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Thief, Faker, or Merchant lineages
Attack: Fortune Slots / Physical Almighty damage with a low Hit Rate, but all hits are critical hit
Cost: $777
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Money Power (Tycoon) / Increases all of a single ally’s stats by three ranks
Cost: $9999
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Masked Dancer, or Berserker lineages
Attack: Golden Solider (Tycoon) / Extreme Physical Almighty damage to all enemies
Cost: $3333
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Brawler, or Berserker lineages
Metaphor Refantazio Prince Synthesis abilities
Attack: Royal Sword / Severe Physical Almighty damage to a single enemy, additional damage done to human-type monsters
Cost: 25 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Any
Attack: Armageddon’s Final Sire / Deals 9999 damage to all enemies
Cost: 99 mp
Turn Icons: 4
Required Item: Chronicle of the End
Ally 1: Royal Archetype
Ally 2: Royal Archetype
Ally 3: Royal Archetype
Attack: Wind Blade / Extreme Physical Wind damage to all enemies
Cost: 16 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Knight, or Commander lineages
Attack: Blackguard’s Hammer / Severe Physical Dark damage to a single enemy while inflicting a one-time weakness to Dark
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Brawler, Merchant, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Fire Art / Extreme Fire damage to a single enemy, may inflict Burn
Cost: 14 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner lineages
Attack: Sable Dance / Inflicts all enemies with a one-time weakness to Dark
Cost: 26 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Warrior, Thief, or Masked Dancer lineages
Attack: Hadean Icecrag / Extreme Ice damage to all enemies
Cost: 18 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Seeker, Mage, or Healer lineages
Attack: Wild Bore / Extreme Pierce damage to a single enemy and significantly reducing the target’s Attack for 3 turns
Cost: 20 mp
Turn Icons: 2
Required Skill: N/A
Ally: Gunner, Faker, or Summoner lineages
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