Monster Hunter Rise Version 3.4.1 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
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Alongside all the Tokyo Game Show announcements, Capcom has now rolled out Monster Hunter Rise Version 3.4.1.
As usual, there are additions and changes along with a lot of bug fixes. You can see everything below, courtesy of Capcom’s Monster Hunter Rise blog:
Patch: Ver.3.4.1
- In order to use DLC and play online, you need to update Monster Hunter Rise to the latest version.
- – You can check which version you’re on at the bottom right of the Title Screen.
- – Online gameplay requires a Nintendo Switch Online membership.
- If you do not have access to the Internet, you can play local multiplayer, as long as every player uses the same version of the software.
- – Please visit the Nintendo Support page for more information.
Available September 30, 2021
Main Additions / Changes
- New Event Quests will be available every week.
Bug Fixes / Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing Apex Diablos to behave unnaturally when it attacks by swinging its horns several times in a row.
- Fixed a bug causing monsters to enter a “lured” state when the player uses a Wailnard on them while they’re asleep.
- Fixed a bug preventing Narwa’s thunder rings from disappearing if her health drops below a certain point while the rings are being spawned.
- Fixed a bug causing Teostra to be downed without going through a falling animation if the player uses a Flash Bomb while Teostra is breathing fire in mid-air.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing some monsters to face the complete opposite direction when trying to turn towards the player.
- Fixed a bug causing a discrepancy between the player’s equipped weapon type and their equipment info, if the player changes their weapon type right before the return timer runs out after finishing a quest.
- Fixed a bug causing the tired running animation to be cancelled if the player uses or gathers an item during this animation.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to slip after landing, if they cancel the dual blades’ Demon Mode in mid-air, or if they land on a slope after charging the hammer in mid-air.
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash if the player joins an in-progress Rampage quest with specific timing.
- Fixed a bug in multiplayer occasionally causing a monster’s mountable state to be shortened depending on the kind of attack it got hit with right before going into said state.
- Fixed a bug causing some hairstyles to clip into the player character’s face while moving.
- Fixed a bug causing the “Bob with Hairband” hairstyle to clip through certain types of head gear.
- Fixed a bug causing punching sound effects to be played when landing hits with the dual blades’ Piercing Bind while wearing the “Akuma” layered armor.
- Fixed a bug causing a difference in the player character’s facial expression when using the “Shadow Box” gesture, depending on whether they’re in the village or in the Training Area/on a quest.
- Fixed a bug preventing the player from smoothly throwing a second kunai when using the Radial Menu to throw kunai.
- Fixed a bug causing the increased power of the great sword’s Rage Slash to carry over to other attacks if the player is damaged while performing the action.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect transition timing when comboing from the dual blades’ Right Roundslash in Feral Demon Mode, or the Rising Slash in Demon Mode into the Shrouded Vault.
- Fixed a bug when trying to exit Demon Mode after performing the dual blades’ Shrouded Vault in Demon Mode.
- For the lance’s Twin Vine, the dual blades’ Piercing Bind, and the horn’s Earthshaker, a bug has been fixed causing the silk of these Silkbind attacks to disappear from the screen indefinitely if the player and the silk temporarily go off-camera while performing the move.
- Fixed a bug causing the attack animation of the hammer’s Impact Crater to be cancelled if the player falls off a ledge right after landing on the ground.
- Fixed a bug causing the switch axe’s Zero Sum Discharge Finisher to finish before all hits have registered if the attack coincides with a hit stop (the moment the player character briefly freezes when landing a hit).
- Fixed a bug causing the charge blade’s Midair Amped (or Super) Element Discharge to be cancelled after performing the Axe Hopper, if the player falls off a ledge right after landing on the ground.
- Fixed a mistake in the time frame during which the player can combo from the charge blade’s Forward Dodge (in Sword mode) into the Charge.
- If the player launched a Kinsect towards a monster that is moving away from the player, the Kinsect would stop at the position of the monster at the moment the Kinsect was launched. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the voice of another player to be played when sending an Auto Shoutout to all Lobby members in multiplayer.
- Fixed various text bugs.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
Have you downloaded this update yet? Notice anything else? Leave a comment down below.