My Famicase Exhibition 2022 Is Now Accepting Entries For Fictional Famicom Cartridges



The My Famicase Exhibition is a long-standing tradition for artists who love retro games. Every year, Meteor — a Japanese retro game and goods shop — opens up applications for anyone who wants to be a part of the art, and all you have to do is design a cover for a Famicom cartridge. They’re now accepting submissions for the 2022 exhibition.

When the exhibition opens, these cartridges will be printed and displayed, and even though they’re not real games, just plastic shells, it’s still a really neat thing to be a part of — and there is a game jam in which people can make their favourite cases a reality!

Past Famicase Exhibitions have included some incredible art, and you can check out the highlights of 2021 in our post last year (and in the image at the top of this post, too).

There are only enough spaces for 250 entries this year, and according to the Japanese part of the tweet above, it’s on a first-come, first-served basis.

Check back in a couple of months if you want to see the final designs!
