Pokémon Center Japan Is Selling A Very Big And Very Round Spheal
Everyone knows the best Pokémon are the spherical ones, and Pokémon Center Japan has finally seen the light, announcing a new “life size” Spheal plush.
(For the record, Spheal is about 80cm tall. Or… wide. Because he is round. The plush is 80 × 98 × 100cm.)
Big Spheal costs 49,500 yen, or about $350 / £300, putting him almost in line with the $500 four-foot Mareep plush from the meme.
The Spheal, which weighs 7.5kg, is made of cooling fabric, which means he’s always slightly cool to the touch, just like a real seal (probably). It’s only available in Japan for now, from the Pokémon Center website, which does not ship outside of Japan.
Have some of the official promo images to cheer you up:
Is Spheal your favourite round boi? Let us know in the comments.