Random: Fancy Some ‘Sew-per’ Mario? Marvel At The Game Boy Sewing Machine


We live in an age of quirky Nintendo peripherals; Ring Fit Adventure is an example where Nintendo took a relatively standard Yoga ring and cleverly turned it into a huge sales success. Third-parties join in too, of course, and let’s not forget Nintendo’s own Labo range that made cardboard cool.

For those with a retro perspective, though, the NES / Game Boy era was a golden age for quirky accessories, and the video above from The Retro Future showcases a version of a Game Boy Sewing Machine. It’s a rather funny walkthrough on how machines were designed to hook up to a Game Boy and related software to make sewing easier. Once you get past the ‘is this a real thing?’ part of the topic, it’s actually rather fascinating.

It’s pretty neat, and the video teases a follow-up with a rare accessory that’ll allow fancy Nintendo embroidery, too.

If you’re interested in learning more about accessories like this in the sewing / Game Boy field, the 2018 video below from Kelsey Lewin (now co-Director of Video Game History Foundation) is also worth a watch.

Retro accessories like this almost make us want to get into sewing. Almost.
