Random: 3DS & Wii U Players Beat 14-Year-Old Halo 2 Server Record

Image: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life A group of Wii U and 3DS players have managed to stay online, despite servers being shut down, for over 25 days. And, in … Read More

Best Underwater Levels On Nintendo Switch

Bubble Man – Mega Man 2 Image: Capcom For the uninitiated, Bubble Man’s stage might seem kind of hellish. After all, although Mega Man moves in the same way as … Read More

What Are You Playing This Weekend? (13th April)

Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer I’m still playing my lovely Metroidvanias, and I actually picked up Blasphemous 2 last weekend, so I’m currently working my way through that one. Otherwise, I’ve … Read More

What’s Your Personal Favourite Super Mario Game?

Gavin Lane, editor Image: Nintendo Mario Bros. 3 was my first. Actually, I don’t remember if it was 3 or Super Mario Bros. that was actually my first — my … Read More