TechPowerUp’s Briefing of Philips Evnia Brand Launch Event

[Editor’s note: We published yesterday a press release outlining the launch of Philip’s new gaming brand Evnia. TechPowerUp’s own mice editor extraordinaire Pzogel was on hand for this launch event and shared some thoughts and photos that I deemed interesting to be separately published.]

If there is a rule not to hold launch events at a football stadium, Philips has officially broken it. This would only be fitting, as the mantra of Philips’s new gaming brand Evnia is “reinvent the rules.” In order to properly introduce their new brand, Philips invited tech journalists and reviewers from all over the globe to the city of Paris, where the Stade de France is located.

Being the seventh-largest stadium in Europe, the Stade de France made for a more than impressive backdrop. The attendees got to wander through the visitors changing rooms before entering the field itself through the same exit the players would be taking. After being given the opportunity to tend to some treats and admire the cosplayers posing inside, the presentation inside the auditorium started. Following introductory speeches by Philips higher-ups, Sylvia “QueenArrow” Gathoni, professional Tekken player and the first East African woman signed by an esports team, entered the stage. Gathoni talked about her experiences as a female in the world of gaming, and what being the brand ambassador for Evnia means to her.After the presentation, there was finally the opportunity to try out the products themselves. While the monitors are reasonably close to release and were representative of what will be available to customers, the peripherals weren’t, and we’ll have to wait a bit longer for a proper hands-on.