Totally New 30-Second Super Mario Movie Trailer Appears Out Of Nowhere
Update: It seems that another shorter clip — this time in Spanish — has surfaced, as posted by @misterduby on Twitter, featuring more new footage and an encounter with a Bramball:
Yesterday we got the reveal of Princess Peach and a redesigned Donkey Kong in the second trailer for the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie, introduced with significant pomp in a special Nintendo Direct stream. However, it seems that a totally different and new 30-second spot has dropped on Twitch.
As caught by Rodekirby on YouTube (with Dutch subtitles — nope, we here at Nintendo Life had nothing to do with the captioning!), the 30-second spot features totally new footage of Mario taking his first steps into the Mushroom Kingdom and taking his first trip through its network of multicoloured pipes. It also gives us a better look (well, listen) to Chris Pratt’s version of Mario in conversation with Toad.
We’re still trying to track down the trailer on Twitch for ourselves to verify its origins, but as you can see from Rodekirby’s YouTube video above, it appears to be entirely legit and will pop up randomly as an ad on the streaming platform.