Video: Do You Own A Video Game So Rare That You Can Never Actually Play It?

Image: Nintendo

There’s something quite satisfying about owning a particularly rare video game, isn’t there? Not so much in the sense that you can brag to your friends about owning something they couldn’t possibly hope to get their hands on; no, that’s quite insufferable, if you ask us. Rather, the idea of owning something valuable and precious, taking the effort to look after it and keep it in good condition is a wholly different story.

We’d be willing to bet that quite a few of you lovely readers probably own a rare video game or a rare piece of merchandise of some sort. We’d also be willing to bet that most of you would much rather keep hold of such an item for as long as possible, regardless of its potential value. After all, owning something of such prestige from a beloved IP means something, right? It makes us feel connected to a franchise we love in a way that’s particularly difficult to replicate.

What if you owned a video game that was so rare, however, that you could never actually play it, regardless or whether or not you actually intended to? Our handsome, charming video producer Alex has first hand experience of this, as he owns the incredibly rare Kyojin no Doshin (Doshin the Giant) for the 64DD peripheral. Since both the 64DD and the game itself were only released in Japan, their general availability is quite limited, to say the least.

So check out the video below where Alex showcases Kyojin no Doshin itself and laments at the highly unlikely prospect of ever playing it. What’s particularly interesting is the game’s bizarre box art; there’s very little that actually signifies that it’s Doshin the Giant, apart from a very tiny image that gives the game away.

Do you own a video game that’s so rare you can never actually play it? Share your collection with us in the comments!