Video: The Switch Desperately Needs This Nintendo DS Feature


The One Feature The Switch Desperately Needs 1 49 Screenshot
Image: Nintendo Life / Felix Sanchez

We love the Switch. It’s a pretty neat piece of kit after all. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have issues with the console or think it could do with an update or two every so often. And we’ve come up with another improvement that we think would make multiplayer even easier.

Who used Download Play on their DS or 3DS? We played so much Mario Kart DS with our friends using this feature that we really miss it. Being able to play games with someone even if they don’t have their own copy is amazing. But the Switch doesn’t have this — only Namco Museum and Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Games do something similar. The former has a multiplayer-only version that’s free (but it only has Pac-Man Vs. which is the only multiplayer game in that collection), and the latter has a Local Multiplayer Guest Edition which you can download from the eShop.

So, the lovely Felix is making a case on why the Switch should have a similar feature so we can play games with our friends to our heart’s content. We know Switch games are much bigger than DS games (Mario Kart DS is under 20 MB, compared to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is currently around 7.4 GB, and that’s without the DLC).

This dream Switch Download Play wouldn’t come with every single game’s features, of course — that would be impossible! But it would allow people to give the game a go or join in if they’re around a friend’s house and are interested.

We know it’s not that easy, but you should absolutely check out Felix’s business pitch below!

Let us know whether you think Switch Download Play is a great idea in the comments.
