Video: Will Switch First-Party Games Ever Get A Permanent Price Drop?

More than five years after its initial launch, the Switch has amassed a vast library of first-party games from Nintendo, including the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. What’s apparent with these titles, however (and indeed the entire first-party catalogue), is that none of them have been granted a permanent price drop. It’s no surprise either, since all of them are still selling pretty well for the most part, which ultimately begs the question: does Nintendo even need to drop the price on their games?
The short answer is no, probably not. But you’re not here for the short answer! In the below video, the delightful Zion, Alex, and Felix spend a good 36 minutes discussing this very topic, exploring the reasoning for and against price drops, the value that games provide in comparison to films or TV shows, and regional price conversions.
They also play a whole bunch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so if you don’t give a monkey’s about the discussion itself, you can at least enjoy watching our video team virutally beating each other up!