Want To Play Atelier Sophie 2 With An English Dub? Let Koei Tecmo Know


Atelier Sophie 2
Image: Koei Tecmo

Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream has been bubbling along nicely since its launch a few weeks ago, and now Koei Tecmo wants to know how you’re getting along with the game.

A few days ago, the Atelier series publisher shared a survey for fans to concoct answers to:

Most of the questions are pretty standard for these kinds of things, but one has stood out to many in particular – one that asks “Would you prefer having English voices in-game?”

This is pretty notable because, for a long time, the Atelier series usually had an English dub, up until the release of Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings, that is. According to one Reddit user a few years ago, they reached out to the Koei Tecmo PR manager at a press event and were told that most people played the Atelier games in Japanese, so the studio decided to drop the dub to speed up the localisation process.

While it’s likely the publisher is just dipping its toes in the water to see what fans really want from the Atelier games, it’s definitely interesting considering the series’ shift to Japanese-only voiceovers.

There’s also a separate question about playing games that are localised in your own language. We know many fans who import games from Japan just to play them before they get their western localisation (if they ever do), and it’s fascinating to see Koei Tecmo pay attention to that.

The series seems to keep reaching new heights, as Atelier Sophie 2 cast a spell on us. In our review of the game, we had this to say:

One thing we’ve particularly enjoyed in Sophie 2 is that this isn’t a game that’s trying to waste your time. There’s still plenty of depth here, but it’s all presented to you in just about the most clear and concise way possible. If you need a certain ingredient or kill for a quest, you can have the game highlight exactly on the map where your targets are. Before fast traveling to a given area, you can look at a quick list that shows all the ingredients and monsters you can find there. If a character is about to take damage, the game pauses and displays the health and MP of your backline if you’d like to swap them in. If you’ve been away for a while, there’s a helpful sub-menu that’ll catch you up on the ‘important things’ of the story and your most recent quests.

Do you want to see English dubs make a return to the Atelier series? And how are you finding Atelier Sophie 2? Let us know down below!
